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Go Through the Mountains and the Seas to Meet ELLAI

Date: 2020-09-03 11:45:44

Guys, unconsciously

2020 has passed a large part of the year.

In the first half of the year, the whole nation is fighting the epidemic

The second half of the year was started and all the people were fighting the floods again

The post-epidemic era

No buffs added, we are still swimming against the current


On August 21st, dozens of core distributors of ELLAI gathered at ANANDI Hotel to review the first half of the year, and witness the launching of ELLAI 2020 new products, and to discuss the business changes in the era of full bathroom design and seek common development.


All along, ELLAI's product design integrates modern design concept and traditional ceramic art, with unique rounded and elegant elements and high quality, which has been praised and favored by our dealers' friends and consumers. Thank you for your support and love to ELLAI, and we are grateful for the time to spend the bright moment together.

Swimming against the current and winning with wisdom

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Abby, general manager of ELLAI, delivered a speech, reviewing the work of ELLAI in the first half of the year, and analyzing the current market situation and brand planning, hoping that in the post-epidemic era, we can all work together and win with wisdom to achieve a win-win situation.


During the conference, the 2020 ELLAI new product launching was also held. This year, ELLAI's new products are mainly personalized custom bathroom furniture and intelligent products, with more concise and transparent product design and high adaptability to the bathroom. Intelligent new products are mainly wall-hung intelligent toilets, which enriches ELLAI's intelligent product family and meets the diversified needs of consumers today.


ELLAI official website 2.0 was launched, the new large-scale revision of the official website, clear functions, rich content, simple operation, more concise and refreshing visual interface, uniform with the brand's tone.


Group photo of ELLAI core distributors

20 years of historical accumulation has forged today's ELLAI --- a bathroom brand with international aesthetic awareness and high quality. Post-epidemic era, we all stand at the turning point of life, the acceleration of the Internet has changed the consumption habits of the terminal, and also put forward more comprehensive requirements for offline stores

In the future, to meet the challenges of the wisdom era, we should strive to seize the trend of intelligent consumption, to tap new growth points, and to achieve swimming against the current.

Go Through the Mountains and the Seas to Meet ELLAI